Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Some interesting tidbits about our trip so far:

1. There are people here from 23 states including an Alaskan couple who are super bad ass
2. Our average age is 26
3. They weren't kidding when they said it was going to be rainy season
4. Costa Rican's are called Tico's and they dress up all the time (guys NEVER where sandals)
5.   Our first flight had to be aborted because a window came open.  The pilot assured us everything was okay but then profusely apologized and told us in 23 years of flying nothing like this had ever happened to him.
6. Before Christmas Costa Ricans have a tradition of slaughtering a pig and I hear it's a pretty big deal.
7.  The girl from Alaska worked at an immersion school before coming here where half of the subjects were taught in Spanish.  It turns out there are A LOT of Latinos is Alaska.  Who would have thought?  They also have German, Chinese, French, etc immersion schools.  Pretty awesome.  Might consider something like that if I like teaching.
8. The wildlife here incredible.
9. I went for a run this morning and 3 dogs (two of which were white adorable puppies) followed me along the way.  
10. I found out there is a program where you can road bike across the US and work for habitat for humanity along the way.  Definitely going to look into that for after PC.

Below you can check out the retreat area where all 43 trainees are staying right now.  We will be here until Saturday when we will split into groups and go into different communities based on our language levels. 

1 comment:

  1. i'm so glad you are liking it! I saw my friends Alissa and Ben last night. I don't know if you remember them but we met them outside my house like 2 years ago when they had just gotten back from doing PC in Paraguay. You asked them tons of questions about it. They are excited/proud that you joined!!
